Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Most of you know that Luke has had two internships in Pocatello with J.R. Simplot Co. We are in Houston, Texas, this summer for our last internship! We have settled in well and are enjoying the area. Luke's brother, Pete, lives in Galveston, so we get to see him and his wife Andrea fairly often. Jenna loves "Uncle Pete's house" and loves going to the beach and picking up as many seashells as possible whenever we go. I got my first taste of salt water fishing - didn't catch anything, but there will be many more opportunities! The way things are looking, we might end up back down here in Houston after Luke graduates in December. We might not be with the same company as where he is interning, but there is a lot of opportunity and a lot of industry down here that we are looking at for the future.

I've added a few of the pictures from the trip down to Houston from Moscow. Jenna really enjoyed seeing her cousins when we passed through Idaho. Miriam also got along quite well with Landon.


  1. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa it worked.
    Anyway I'm glad you're in the blogging world.
    It'll be great to keep up with how you guys are doing.

  2. Those are some fun pictures! Landon and Miriam's faces look so alike!!!!! That is crazy. And I love that first picture of Jenna. Glad to hear things are going well and I am excited that you have a blog now! Hurray!:)

  3. hello-
    We're glad you've got a blog now, I really enjoy keeping up with people and seeing all of the pictures. Keep us posted!


Back At It!

  So, it's been a while.  A long while.  An over 10 years while!  Why pick it back up again after ten years, you may ask?  Well, to be p...