We finished up the last couple of days in Chicago with Steve & Terry. Terry and I went shopping while Luke was at some of the conference and Steve watched the girls. They headed home on Tuesday, and we stayed one more day because Luke had to finish out the conference. Both girls traveled exceptionally well. They really do love airplane rides. Security at airports is always a headache, but we survived and were happy to be home late Wednesday night - or REALLY early Thursday morning, depending on how you look at it.
We ate at Texas de Brazil - yummy! And, the girls ate SO much - it was rice and beans - their absolute favorite!
A pretty flower came as the garnish on the girls' ice cream. Jenna and Miriam liked it better in their hair.
We passed by the Trump tower several times on our walks to and from stores and restaurants.
The girls were awfully giggly at night.
This was the view from our hotel window on the 23rd floor.
This fountain was just a couple of blocks from our hotel. It was dyed green in honor of St. Patrick's Day, just like the river running past the hotel.
Miriam made quick work, yet again, of her second "Chicago" hot dog. This girls LOVES to eat!
This particular activity entertained both Luke and Jenna on much of the plane ride home.
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